Shit Tickets

What is Shit Tickets?


Toilet Tissue/Toilet Paper... plain and simple.

I'm going to be in here for a while, we're outta godamn shit tickets


one uses to wipe with after going to the bathroom

Did you get the shit tickets because i got to go to the show

See ass paper, toilet paper, tissue, newspaper, sandpaper


Another word for Toilet Paper. Also known as " Asswipe" (pronounced As-weep-eh)

Mark (from inside the bathroom): HONEY! GET ME MORE SHIT TICKETS!

See toilet paper, ass, poop, asswipe, butt, shit


The common house hold tolite paper

I need to buy more shit tickets

See tp


what michael jackson's O2s tickets have now become since his death.

bob> I got 2 tickets to michael jackson's O2 concert

ken> them tickets aint worth shit bob

bob> what do you mean these tickts aint worth shit?

ken> MJ is dead bob

shit tickets can be used to describe fake/counterfit tickets often sold on ebay. you pay for the tickets but dont get to see the act = shit tickets

See michael, jackson, shit, tickets, ebay, fake


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