Shit Tickler

What is Shit Tickler?


Any person that enjoys, but is not limited to, constantly fingering the anus of others.

John: Fucking ew dude, did you hear what tom did to all the other guys at marv's sleepover?

Zach: Yeah dude. what a fuckin shit tickler.

John: I bet that twisted bastards' fingers smell.

See anus, fingering, butt, gay, poop


Some one who is gay and has a small dick so he would be a shit tickler instead of a fudge packer

also very funny to call a straight man a shit tickler giving him a double burn calling him gay and he has a tiny dick

Dude your such a shit tickler i mean look at your dick its so fuckin tiny (girls saying)

Dude your such a homo you fuckin shit tickler get out of my house. (guys saying)

See shit, tickler, tick, it


Giving it large up the poo pipe.

Aw man he walking like di john wayne, he gotta be a shit tickler.


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