
What is Shitballs?


explitive; explaining great frustration or fright

As Dan was smoking a fat marijuana joint he quickly saw his father enter his house and exclaimed "oh, shitballs".

See cliff


Slang term used in the incident of getting fucked, to say when one is going to get in trouble.

"Oh shitballs, I didn't know that was your sandwich."


An exlamation one cries out when they REALLY screw up.

On the way back home from the grocery store, Betty looked in the backseat of her car and realized she had left her four-year-old son in the carraige... way back at the store.

"Oh, shitballs!" She cried.


General statement of amazement or disgust.

"Holy shitballs, Jim! Did you see her ass?"


"Holy shitballs, those are some nasty-ass pubes."

See shit, balls, damn, wtf, holy shit


When a guy wipes from back to front after taking a crap and gets shit on his balls.

OH CRAP!!! I wiped the wrong way. Now I have Shitballs.

See shit, balls, shit balls, shitballs, crap


often followed by !!!, SHITBALLS can be used as an exclamation for anything.

Me: SHITBALLS!!! That kid is really ugly

See fuck, piss, holy shit, crap, shit


A virus so serious that cannot be removed. (Even the FBI and M15 cannot identify what the offending letters stand for.) It will send you spam messages of porn, and popups of naked men, women, and children will frequently appear and invade your computer screen.

*clicks on a link*

OMFG, i just clicked on shitballs, FUCK!

See shitballs, fuck, virus, porn, popups


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