
What is Shitberg?


large mounded mass of turd that has so amply filled the toilet that a portion of the turd has risen above toilet water level, with the greater part of its bulk under the water, often inducing pride and relief in the deliverer

Hey everyone, come and take a look at my shitberg!


When a person takes a shit into the toilet in such a way that a piece of the shit sticks out above the water.

We're going to have a contest to see how tall of a shitberg we can coil into the toilet.

See shitberg, shitburg, shit


When you dump such a massive deucethat it piles out to the water. The brown tip of the shitberg only hints at the volume of nastiness lurking in the depths.

J- Oh man, I just crapped out a shitberg that could sink the Titanic.

B- I'll never let go Jack, I'll never let go! Blahahaha!

See shit, poop, crap, potty-bang, deuce


Noun: a floaterthat is 10% above the water, but 90% of its mass is below the surface

After being constipated for nearly a week, Gerald produced a shitberg.

See shitberg, shitburg, iceberg, shit, floater, sinker


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