
What is Shitbomb?


the most fucked up, worthless, god forsaken, in human, piece of shit u will ever find... a.k.a the guy/ gurl who will never get layed ina million years

Damn, that chick is a real shitbomb


A huge shit or dump. The biggest shit in your life.

A: i took a shitbomb last night!

B: Oh dude how big was it?

A: Effing huge an andaconda!

B: Thats definately a shitbomb

See dump


An extremely unpopular topic brought up at the end of a (usually long and boring) meeting that requires a lot of work from everyone present. The worst ones are "drive-by shitbombs," where someone pokes their head in, "throws the shitbomb," and leaves.

At the end of another long and boring business meeting, Joe drops a shitbomb and mentions the manditory Employee Conduct workshop that will be held next week, resulting in anguish among his fellow co-workers

See shit, business, useless, boring, crap, bomb


Something that's super cool. Used sarcastically, it makes fun of people who use played out slang in calling something 'the shit' or 'the bomb'.

Dude, those boots are the shitbomb.


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