
What is Shit-eater?


Refers to a person who eats shit. Can sometimes refer to a monkey or other animal that likes to eat shit, like a dog. Word is derived from Japanese porn videos where the girls eat shit. They are called Shit-eaters

"Dude I saw this video of this one Japanese chick, she was a shit-eater, hahaha!"


Military term for members of the British Forces. So named because thier food is of a much lower standard in comparison to that of thier allies.

Alternate definition: due to the fact that british food sucks sooooo bad they are commonly refered to as Shit-eaters

Only Shit-eaters serve deep fried eggs for breakfast, along with deepfried toast.

See shrek


someone who eats shit

stop eating shit you shit-eater

See shit, crap, eater, eat, ass


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