Shit-eating Grin

What is Shit-eating Grin?


A smile indicating a joyous secret.

"You got the promotion! I knew there was a reason for that shit-eating grin."


Large, omnipresent smile that is frequently used by cheesy salespeople to coast through life despite the fact that they are low-IQ fucktards without a shred of ability in anything except for shit-eating grinning. Often, female real estate agents will think that they are superior to you because they wear a shit-eating grin, even if they are overweight, Jesus-loving fucktards who should be sterilized for the sake of future humanity.

Guy 1: "Debbie got the promotion because of her shit-eating grin. I want to bludgeon her to death with a hammer."

Guy 2: "When men actually could get a job, before the US was feminized, there wasn't as much shit-eating grinning. Now, if you're a fake blonde with a shit-eating grin and a Macy's pantsuit, you're automatically made CEO of any corporation you wish."

See shit-eating grin, women, woman, real estate agent, cunt


A grin which someone crazy enough to be eating shit and be deliriously happy about it would have on their face.

I told Jimmy to wipe that shit-eating grin off his face before I smashed it into a pulp.

See shit eating grin, smile, grin, shit, shit eating


A stupid grin that makes you look so clueless that you enjoy eating shit on a daily basis without realising you're a complete putz.

People who call tech support don't even try to learn the basics of using a computer. I picture them sitting at their desk with a shit-eating grin, then headbutting the screen.

See shit, eating, grin, clueless, putz


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