
What is Shit-faced?


The point at which you have consumed so much alcohol, that you are incoherent, have difficulty remembering simple things i.e where you live, how old you are, how ugly you are, how ugly that girl your about to sleep with is. Being 'shit-faced' is usually an experience you only want to try once, and never again.

"Jesus christ!! did I sleep with that thing last night?? I musta been totaly shit-faced"


1. To be drunk out of your mind.

2.To be extremely plastered.

Hey man, lets go get shit-faced.


a) To be dangerously inebriated. To the point of forgetting ones name.

a) Boy was I shit-faced after I drank that entire bottle of Jack Daniels.


having reached the stage of consuming an undefinable amount of alcohol that the world according to yourself seems either:

a) pretty damn sexy

b) very loud

c) uncontrolably unstable

d) all of the above

Most likely, once you have reached this stage, the enjoyment lasts only until you become in contact with someone that you saw/attempted to speak to that night.

John was so damn shit-faced that night he forgot the bad ass things he got into

See out of control, suicidal, blind, sloshed, alcohol poisoning


1) Drunk as an Irishman on St. Patty's Day

2) Stoned out of your mind

The mo fo was so shit-faced that he brought a squirt-gun to school and yelled "I have a bomb bitches!!"

See intoxicated, crapulent, sodden, tipsy, sloshed, smashed, stewed, wasted, bombed, plastered


totally drunk - just submitting for the quote below.

"Am I shit-faced yet?" (Arnold in 'Twins')

See definition, example, celebrity, comedy


Too drunkto move or talk.

Yo dis bitch is shit-faced let's get outta hea bfo she try ta pull a exorsist on us.


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