
What is Shit-fuck?


Shit-fuck: to do something really shitty to one of your friends that no one else in your group would do in that specific situation. Especially applicable to video games, specifically, Mario Kart.

1. Dude! I can't believe you just shit fucked me with three red shells in a row! You totally shit-fucked me!

2. B-White, you are such a shit-fucker!

See shit, fuck, video games, asshole, friend


when you shit and it causes the water to shoot back up your ass

i took a huge shit and the water shit-fucked me

See fuck, shit, ass, water


when some one tottaly desicrates there body, and can be called nothing else but a shit-fuck.

Oh my god, joel caught his dick on fire at Devin's house, hes a SHIT-FUCK !!!


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