
What is Shit-tacular?


said when you are being sarcastic like take hannah montanna for example that's fucking so shit-tacular that fuckin im at a loss for words

can also mean "shit fest"

14 year old girl says; "i want to go see hannah montanna the movie!!"

you say; " shit-tacular whos driving you?"

See new words, shit, poop, dump


So awesome, your shit is overpowred and flees your ass into your pants.

That was so spectacular, I shit myself!

See Trunks


adj. 1 having shit like qualities 2. amazingly shitty 3. see asstastic

McDonalds burgers are very shit-tacular.

See assface


A combination of Shit and Spectacular... Used to state that something is so spectaularly shitty that it needed a word made up to represent it!

Dude your report is SHIT-TACULAR! Why don't you go smoke another one moron!

See shitty, shit-tastic, craptacular, craptastic


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