
What is Shizzam?


An expression used when doing or having done something extraordinary. Equivalent to ta-da! or voila!

Shizzam! Your gold watch is now in my pocket.


The act of ejaculation.

I just shizzamed all over the place.


what you say after you absolutely pwn someone

Bob: yeah, dude, i failed that test

Greg: well, i got a 100! SHIZZAM!!

See pwn, ownage, rapage


yeah, right on, it's hitting as in mary jane

After the first hit on that dank i was like shizzam

See Ghandi


the art of shizzing in the AM

This guy was all like gfjhfj and i was all like shizzam...and he was all like NO WAY.

See Mark


awesome website

check out shizzam

See Paper


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