What is Shlepp?
just an all out word. can be used intead of
other forms of the word are:shlepper,shelppin,shlepers
dude: hey isnt mike such a shlepper.
dude 2: yah he is just a big shlepp.
In Yiddish:
women: my husband is shleppin me to a kibutz near haife.
Synonymous with yuppy in noun form. They enjoy going to remote cities in Europe, backpacking with their Armana backpack, and of course drinking fine wine.
To chill out in remoter European cities, specifically Prague, Minsk, Crete, and Ancient Sardinia. They also enjoy going to Baja and Aspen.
Yeah, we were shlepping it hard core in Prague this Summer.
You can just shlepp around here for free!
Why do I work so hard on those TPS reports? So I can shlepp even harder on the weekend. You know what I mean. Hitting up the golf course cracking open a few of the imports, and making slow gin.