
What is Shling?


The olympic sport of shoe-flinging. Works best with rubber flip flops or loose sneakers. There are 3 main categoroes for a Shling competition: Grace, Distance, and Height, with a bonus "creative" category.

Let's go play Shling on the hill! Oh crap! My shoe got caught in the tree!

See shoe, fling, grace, distance, getzug, coby, creative, murray, trazy, gina, shani


The action of taking a bong rip consisting of Marijuana.

The champ knows how to take a propper shling.

See John


Derived from the word shlong (a penis). The word shling is an insulting term for an exceptionally small penis. The word was popularised by a former girlfriend of the amateur musician, Ted Hamer who ridiculed his ludicrously small member. Little wonder that he spent those long nights alone playing with his organ.

You call that a shlong! It's more of a shling!


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