
What is Shlink?


1. The sound Link's sword makes when darting the shield in the opening credits of "A Link to the Past" for Super Nintendo.

2. Otomatopia for any time a sword is inserted into an object.

3. For the dirty minded Zelda fans, when anything is inserted into something else.

1. do do do do do do do do do boo doo doo dah. SHLINK! Bum dum da daa! Bum dee dum dee dum daa! DAA DAA Daa Daa DAHHHH!!!

2. My sword doth shlink.

3. "Shlink" he said, smiling. "Zelda Perv." she said back.

See legend of zelda, link, shield, sword, intercourse, sex, zelda


Shit Licking Dink, someone who s a shitface, that likes licking dinks... dinks are fun, also known as ; cock, slong, weiner, johnson, peter, dick, tool, joystick, broomhandle, doodle, wood, pickle, rusty,tuba, and most commonly known as the PENIS...

"Laura you are such a shlink"

See shlink, shit, licking, dink, your, mom


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