
What is Shlit?


A Slut who likes ass sex.

This word is a combonation between Slut and Shit Bag. (I made the word up and my cool friend made up the definition and my other two cool friends...they make my life. I LOVE MY FRIENDS)

Shlits stand on street corners and like to have ass sex.

See slut, whore, shit bag, slut bag, hoe


shlit -noun

Compound word formed from the words "shit" and "literature." Also known as "shit lit."

Any form of literature such as books, periodicals, newsprint, that is either temporarily brought to, or stored in a bathroom (typically kept in the immediate vicinity of the toilet), for the express purpose of passing occasionally protracted periods of time common to bathroom visits, providing means of mental distraction through its reading.

Though the word was not mentioned explicitly, shlit was brought to public attention in 1998, by the then popular television series "Seinfeld," in episode 173 titled "The Bookstore." The shlit in question had been "flagged" as having been in the bathroom and could not be returned to the bookstore from where it was purchased.

"Hey honey! I'm going to be in here for a while! Could you bring me in some shlit? I think my issue of Wired is sitting on the kitchen table!"

See shit, literature, flagged, shit lit, schlit


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