
What is Shluck?


1. The suctioning sound of a penis while continuously penetrating the vagina.

2. At times used as an exclamation

1. Paul put his ear to the locked door of his parents bedroom and heard the noise "shluck shluck shluck" and immedietly knew what was going on. Thus, he was scarred for life.


See schluck, yea, yeah, penetration, sex



"Man, I'm thirsty! Let's go get a shluck."

See drink, glug, sip, gulp, neck


The sound a sword makes when it is removed from one's body. This sound occurs due to the fact that when a sword enters a body, a vacuum is created, making it difficult to remove. When it is removed, however, the sound of the air rushing back in makes a "shulck!" sound.

After driving my sword through that orc, I pulled it out with a giant shluck sound.

See shuck, sluck, sword, kill, knife, stab


a beast of a man who defies eveything

ur a damn shluck


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