
What is Shlum?


The act of chillin, loungin' , or doing nothing at all is to shlum

I would also call someone who is a 'hermit' a shlum

Rick - "Hey man what r u sayin?"

Pablo - "Not a whole lot just shlummin' it"

Mallen - "Look at you, you shlum"

Chris - "Goto school you shlum"

Chris - "Fuckin get a job, you shlum"

" Go out and do somethin and quit shlummin it!"

See shlum, chill, chillin, chillax


The act of doing a bad/sucky job.

In other words; failure, messing up, forgetful ect.

"Why you Shlum?"

"Remember, don't shlum tonight man."

"Don't be shlum."

See shlum, sucky, failure


(n)The unspecified sexual,innuendious, and/or somewhat derogatory term used to describe either male or female.

(v) Shlumed, Shlum, Shlumming: A verb to describe an unspecified sexual act of someone who you are ridiculing.

(n) Nicky lack is a shlum.

(v) Nick did you shlum with sally last night?

See shlum, sex, sexed, sexual, idiot, slut


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