
What is Shlumpy?


Messy and sloppy looking. Unkempt.

He looked shlumpy with his baggy pants and

oversized shirt.


Feeling lethargic and ill groomed. One tends to feel quite "slumpy" when hungover.

A feeling of apathy generally accompanies slumpiness.

"I can't be bothered going out tonight, i feel so shlumpy !"

See shlumpy, lazy, hungover, dowdy, shlump


1. the act of getting high, but specifically smoking bud.

2. A state of being high...

Hey man, lets go shlumpy and then get munchies!

Dude, i'm soooo shlumpied right now.

See James


Feeling lethargic and ill groomed. One tends to feel quite "slumpy" when hungover.

A feeling of apathy generally accompanies slumpiness.

"I can't be bothered going out tonight, i feel so shlumpy !"

See shlumpy, tired, lazy, shlump, dowdy


The German word for whore.

That chick is a sheiza shlumpy. She gets around.


Scraggely, ugly or calm

Ex1: Hannah Montanas' a shlumpy

Ex2: You're lookin' kinda shlumpy

Ex3: I'm feeling a little shlumpy

See blah, hannah montana, chill



The guy from what not to wear is a shlumpy.

See gay, straight, fag, butt pirate


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