
What is Shmagma?


1.The filth that gathers in the foreskin of filthy uncircumsized people.

2. The gooey crap that gathers in the corner of your eye, in the middle of the night.

Tyler had been visited by the shmagma fairy in the middle of the night and he had shmagma all over his face. ( The shmagma fairy being a filthy uncircumsized 300 pound man named bubba).


the normal excess that sometimes collects under the foreskin of a male's intact penis

"A little shmagma is no big deal- just wash it away in the shower, like anything else."

See smegma, schmeg, smeg, discharge, schmegma


goo caused by excess skin of an uncircumsized penis.

sam got his shmagma all over ahsley's face when she went down on him

See Leor


a cottage cheese like substance found on horse cock.

All my life i thought my grandma was feeding me cottage cheese but it turned out to be shmagma


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