
What is Shmammered?


To be beyond simple intoxication. Loud, rambunctious and incoherent speech is usually present, as well as a sever lack of balance. Can easily lead to vomiting.

Dude, you were so shmammered last night you didn't know your own name and puked all over the place

See David


A cross between being shit faced and hammered.

Dude I was so shmammered last night I passed out in my driveway.

See drunk, shit faced, hammered, wasted, loaded


To become incredibly intoxicated due to the over consumption of alcohol; a combination of smashed and hammered

Those 15 shots of vodka got me completely shmammered last night.

See drunk, hammered, smashed, fucked up, wasted, thrashed, shit-faced


When you get so DRUNK your SHITFACED and HAMMERED, meaning that you my friend are SHMAMMERED.

I woke the up next to a fat chick, thats when i realized i got shmammered last night.

See drunk, hammered, sloshed, shit-faced, tossed, retarded, sloppy, plastered, crunk, loaded



hammered, shitted, and smashed

i got so friekin shmmered last night


The act of being completely drunk.. smashed+hammered=Shmammered

Tyler was completely shmammered at the party last night because he had so much alcohol.

See drunk, hammered, smashed, obliterated, stupid drunk, tipsy


The act of drinking beyond hammered.

Me: Yo dog, you okay?

Buck: Blzzh, I'm shmammered! (pukes)

See drunk, lush, trashed, wasted, lit, faced


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