
What is Shmeegle'd?


(VERB) - Usually consists of one person stealing jewingsnatching or even yoinking an article of someone else's possession (usually beer). The shmeegler is someone of cheap shit nature, whom can afford to buy their own beer, yet still insists on shmeegling other peoples beer first.

How to find a shmeegler.

- Look for pseudo surfer hair and clothing attire.

- Look for a large protruding nose.

- Someone who uses one line words, such as: oh-balls! , Tight!, thats solid.

Shit Matt! We got our beer shmeegle'd by Scott again!

Hey my parking spot got shmeegle'd by Amber! see Ambered.

Cannon: Hey Bob, doesn't Scott have his own beer in his fridge.

Bob: Ya, but he would rather shmeegle ours.

Cannon/Matt: What a JEW.

See jew, thief, jewage, asshole, douchebag, douche, poor, cheap shit, cheap


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