
What is Shmeh?


A word, that is ominomipia, describing the apathic and basically BLAH feeling that you are... feeling.

"He was all, 'dude, what's your deal, are you like, sick or... SOMETHING??"

--"Ehhh Shmeh."


a word which may be used to express a couple emotions or a level of understanding.

confused: shmeh?

indifferent: shmeh

frustrated: SHMEH!


Used when you're too lazy to talk.

Hottest girl in school- "You up for a movie tonight"

You - "Shmeh.."

See shmuh, enh, heh


One word slang used to describe something as being barely average or so-so.

"Hey! How was the movie?"



1 (adj) a word describing one's mood or day. Usually somewhere between bad, sad, annoying, and bleh

2 (adj) a filler word

1 Shannon: Hey, how was your day?

Mark: Eh, it was shmeh

2. Jeff: Wanna go to the movie tonight?

Mariah: shmeh, I'm just not up for it tonight

See bad, annoying, horrible, filler


Anything and everything you want, but depends on the emotion behind it.

1. Dude you're so SHMEH

See shmeh, anything, everything, whatever, nothing


This Entry Often Means The Same As meh

A: What do you want for dinner?

B: Shmeh

See shmeh, meh, shmee, meeh, smeh


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