
What is Shmelkin?


The same thing as a blumpkin but the girls friend/sister is on nut duty, either with the hands or in the mouth.

guy #1; "Dude you will never believe what happened last night!"

guy #2; "Quit acting like a milky licker and TELL ME!"

guy #1; "Ok! I was sitting on the throne, you know punching a grumpy, And my wife came walking in and offered me a blumpkin, so I was like fuck yeah!!! Then her friend came in to see what was going on and she went straight to the balls and it was a fuckin full fuckin blown SHMELKIN!

guy #2 "fuck off!"

guy #1 "swear"

guy #2 "NICE"!!!!!!!!

See blumpkin, shmelkin, balls, nuts, blow job, sister, girlfriend, hooker


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