
What is Shmelt?


a brutal hockey player someone who is a duster or is really bad at hockey

Matt Glowa is a shmelt and never plays cause he sucks.

See duster, brutal, sucks, hockey


A person who you find less popular, uncool, a noob or a loser.

Guy 1: Haha, look at Erick.

Guy 2: Yeah I know, he's such a shmelt.

See noob, loser, unpopular, shmelt, smelt


A burning or melting accident in which a body part is singed, burnt or melted.

A sigh of pain. Usually spoken with a german infuence.

Oh god! My shlong has been shmelted

I just put my doodle on an oven hob and now its shmelt!

See smelt, shmell, shelt, sell, melt, burn, singe


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