What is Shnazzle?
A word used to call a 'thing' that doesn't have a name, or is just unknown.
Can be used instead of, "Whatchamacallit " "That thing" "Poodlydiddy"
"Hey, could you pass me that shnazzle over there?"
"Dude, on my way in I dropped the snnazzles all over the floor."
"Pssst! Hey... you got the shnazzles?"
ADJECTIVE: Used in conjunction with "pop" and "dang" to describe something incredible.
NOTE: this word should only be used when mimicking a hill-billy (yokel, redneck). Of course if you fit in these categories, feel free to use at your discretion.
"DANG SHNAZZLE POP that's dat ol' thang raght therr."
When a person is totally excited about something or going somewhere really cool.
"Shnazzle! Lets go hit that gig tonight! I can't believe Ben Weasel is playing tonight"