Shock The Monkey

What is Shock The Monkey?


verb, when a person (usually a law enforcement officer) uses an electronic form of non lethal force (usually a Tazer) on an African American, to subdue him or her during an arrest.

That nigger must have been high on crack; he kept fighting off the cops, so they had no choice but to shock the monkey!

See nigger, tazer, tazed, ghetto, jail, cops, arrest, handcuffs, gun, shooting, monkey, spear chucker


When a vibrator short circuits in an extremely hairy vagina, thus literally shocking the monkey. This is actually the inspiration behind the song shock the monkey as Peter Gabriel is an avid fan of this move.

Matt: Yo how was you're date with that chick?

Johnny: You know we were just makin out and shit then she asked me to go into the shower and shock the monkey, my bathroom still smells like burnt hair

See shock the monkey, shock, monkey, hair, genesis, peter gabriel, vibrator, shower


To Milk the prostate, utilizing a finger inserted into the rectum and the prostate physically manipulated to produce a more intense than normal ejaculation

He let his girlfriend shock the monkey last night. What a mess!

See shock, monkey, milk, prostate, ejaculation


When a redneck pees on a spark plug

Hey Billy Bob d'you hear bout Billy Joe. He done shock the monkey an nearly kill'd he'self

See shock, monkey, redneck, piss, sparkplug



the same as shake the monkey but much much harder

Seriously girl, you really gotta shock the monkey before it drags you back to the German jungle.


To have sex with an extremely ugly girl.

Speaker 1: I can't believe Nico is hanging with that girl, she's gross.

Speaker 2: haha, he's gonna shock the monkey.

See monkey, sex, shock, ugly, gross, Googs


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