Shoop Da Whoop

What is Shoop Da Whoop?


The sound one makes as they fire their laser.

Imma chargin' mah lazer!

Imma firin' mah lazer!


See 4chan, harbl, laser, habeeb it, /b/tard, /b/tard



The act of firing one's lasers, typically annihilating the victim completely, this term originated with the comical short flash film: "Syntax Error 2", and was made famous by the youtube film: "The Lazer Collection".

Shooping or Shooping Da Whoop, as it's known in verb tense, is done with an eccentric cartoon expression with bulging eyes and a wide gaping mouth. It's often known to be done at random.

Head of Common Mockery: "I am the head of common mockery. I will grant you three wishes."

Random Boy: " woa, is that true? Are you really gonna grant me three wishes?"

Head of Common Mockery: "No. My real purpose here is to FIRE MY LASERS, GAGHH!!!"*Shoop Da Whoop*

See shoop, da, whoop, laser, lazer, collection, syntax, error


the process of FIRIN MA LASER.

Ok, you brought this on yourself!..... IMA CHARGIN MA LASER!.... IMA FIRIN MA LASER!.... SHOOP DA WHOOP!

See shoop, shop, do, da, whoop, shoop da whoop


A Shoop da Whoop happens is when you concentrate a massive amount of win in your mouth(called chargin mah lazer), and then Releasing it via a laser beam(called FIRIN' MAH LAZER!). A Shoop da Whoop can also be canceled by putting something in the mouth of the charger, such as a Taco. This will result in the caster releasing a royal rainbow, and swallowing his own LAZER.(IMMA SWALLOWED MAH LAZER!)

IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZR! SHOOP DA WHOOP (launches Taco in mouth)


See shoop da whoop, lazer, lazor, win, z


1-Imma Chargin' Mah Lazers

2- Imma Firin' Mah Lazers

3- Shoop Da Whoop


5- Profit!

Shoop Da Whoop "Blah!"

See shoop, da, whoop, imma, mah, lazers, lulz, funny, 4chan, ed


Shoop Da Whoop is the realease of a high velocity particle beam from one's mouth. It is commonly called a "Lazor", but is not one, as a laser does not send things flying, as a Shoop Da Whoop does. The name, "Shoop Da Whoop" comes from the sound of the particle beam firing, Shoop, being a sudden intake of air, Da, being the actual firing, Whoop being another intake of air.

To fire the Shoop Da Whoop, it is necessary to open one's mouth to large size, so as to keep it from being incinerated or blown off one's face.

Man: I am randomly going to fire my lazor. (Shoop Da Whoop)




See phaser, laser



-a term commonly used by texan geeks

- the sound one makes while falling

- used as a substitute for "pwnage" and the like

person 1: George Washington was born in 1730

person 2: actually, he was born in 1732....ohhhhh SHOOP DA WHOOP

See pwnage, owned, geeky, nerd, haha


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