
What is Shoosh?


Definitions listed in most common usage order.

1. verb. pheonetic (shoosh sounds like bush)

To silence, or cause someone to stop speaking. To tell someone to be silent. see also shut up.

2. verb. To tell or brush someone or something away or to send away. Variation of shoo!

3. Explative. An expression of shock. "Wow" or "Shoosh"!

4. Noun. A club also known as "The Secret Society of Shoosh".

A group of common friends who began meeting to conduct mock meetings and ceremonies usually before or after church events including weddings. They have come to use many new words such as, shoosh the verb, yurl Oh Yurla, blarg, indunction muncion, and cleavage.

5. Verb. Salutation, pheonetic (Shooosh!)

Synonym to the word " Hail". To hail someone is to acclaim enthusiasticly, or to salute or greet. Shoosh is used similarly by members of the "Shoosh society", named so after this word.

It originated from "shoosh" as previously defined meaning "be quiet" but was answered with "Shoosh!" So it became a substitution for "Hail".

"I can't take this noise anymore! Everybody Shoosh!"

"Is that what I think it is? Oh Shoosh!"

"Hey old buddy, Shoosh!" Reply: "Shoosh!"

"Have you yet become a member of Shoosh?"

" Blargno! I havn't gone through the indunction munctionyet!

"Oh yurla!"

See shut up, shoo, yurla, sheesh, hail


shut the fuck up biatch

shooshtime <<< supashoosh


A "That's What She Said" joke that may be funny if delivered with enough enthusiasm but really doesn't make much sense when you really think about it.

To skillfully deliver a "Shoosh" (also called "Pulling a shoosh") try to find the most random and ridiculous occasions to say "That's What She Said", always respond to statements that include words such as "wet, hard, and meat," then LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF- there's no going back.

"It's sort of by the meat, but up a little bit." (TWSS!!!)

"Let's do it now, it'll be too hardif we wait." (TWSS!!!)

I hope this works, I don't want to get wet again. (TWSS!!!)

No way dude! That was a total SHOOSH!

See what, she, said, joke, wet, meat, lover, smoth


To Tell Someone To Shut Up In An Annoying Ass Way.

And Or

When You Run Out Of Things To Say As A Last Resort During An Arguement.

Shawn: Hey Austin

Austin: SHOOSH!!!!!!

Shawn: What The Fuck?

*In Class*

Austin: Fuckin Shoosh Dude

Teacher: What Did You Say?

Austin: Oh Nothing.

Teacher: Thats What I Tought.

Austin: Thats Right Bitch Shoosh.

See shut up, fuck you, shawn, austin, bobby



Shoosh dat gurl jessica ass fat as hell i need parts on dat

See damn, sheesh, word


1. An exclamation of disbelief and/or shock.

2. A dismissive exclamation.

1. Did you just hear about the $5,000 of profit that Turk made on his last sale? Shoosh.

Blue Jeans cost $60? You've got to be kidding me. Shoosh.

2. Leave me alone -- shoo-shoosh.


Lungs; in take of breath. Other forms of this word can be:

1) Shooshi

2) Shoosha

Derived from Kashmir, India. It commonly used as a pet name, or a manner in which to address an individual. (A noun.) As modern day language has evolved so has this word, now many use this word as common way of speech.

1. Oh, he's such a shoosha, look at what he just did.

2. Hello shooshi, what are you doing?

3. Shoosh, calm down, it's okay!

See shoosh, individual


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