
What is Shooshbah?


A combination of "shut up" and "bah". Commonly said in an exasperated tone, to someone who is talking out their ass.

Different inflections have slightly different connotations.

A warning, of sorts.

1: "SHOOSH! Bah." translates to, "Shut up, you jackass."

2: "ShooshBAH." translates to, "Quit talking before I beat you senseless, moron."

-- "Shooshbah, you bastard. You're going to get us in trouble if you don't close yer damn pie-hole."

See stfu, quiet, shut up, warning


A combination of "shut up" and "bah". Commonly said in an exasperated tone, to someone who is talking out their ass.

Different inflections have slightly different connotations.

A warning, of sorts.

1: "SHOOSH! Bah." translates to, "Shut up, you jackass."

2: "ShooshBAH." translates to, "Quit talking before I beat you senseless, moron."

-- "Shooshbah, you bastard. You're going to get us in trouble if you don't close yer damn pie-hole."

See shoosh, quiet, shut up, zip it


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