
What is Shopped?


The passed tense of photoshopping an image to make you believe something was photographed, when in reality the incident never occured. Good examples at fark

"Did you see that nude photo of Britney Spears on the web?"

"Yeah. It was shopped"


Photoshopped; manipulated with an image editor

This looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.

See photoshop, photoshopped, shop, shapped


An image that has been altered with Adobe® Photoshop® software, usually for humorous effect.

There exists certain photoshop-isms, that is to say, recurring trends such as Admiral Ackbarpointing out traps or the infamous zerg rush.

Fark, SomethingAwful and Worth1000 have excellent examples of shopped images.

LOL! I shopped a picture of George Bush and Osama Bin Laden to make it look like they're kissing! LOL!!!!11


When an image is altered by an image manipulation program such as Adobe Photoshop (from where the adjective is derived), it is said to be shopped. This usually has the connotation that the subject matter is impossible or unrealistic, such as unusually sized mammaries or unexpected phalluses.

This is shopped. I can tell by the pixels and the fact that I have done many shops in my time.

See photoshop, shop, shoop, shooped, edit


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