Shopping Spree

What is Shopping Spree?


Goin to a mall and blowin all ur money on everythin u can get ur hands on... Especially the essentials like clothes, jewelry, and makeup.

Girl: I won a $2,000 shopping spree at TNA! I'm headin there rite now, wanna come?

Friend: Hell, ya! Let's move.

See window shopping


This is when you go into a large to medium-sized grocery store, fill a cart and casually walk out to your car and deposit them without looking around or acting suspicious, simply seeing what you can get away with without using any deception or diversion

It is an anti-scam

Your fridge is full. Yea I just went on a shopping spree.

How did you jack that much shit? Easy, dawg, shopping spree, just walked out with it.

See knick, jack, scam, con, con man


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