Shopping Trolley

What is Shopping Trolley?


A car, usually a falling to pieces hatchback that's older than the owner, with ridiculously excessive rear spoiler stuck on it,amongst other things, making it resemble Tesco's finest. Almost exclusively driven by those of the ned persuasion, at high speeds (till it inevitably breaks down or crashes) and with some form of trance house music on, preferably with the windows rolled down to share said music with the public at large. People driving them think they look the shit, but in reality would have as much sophistication and subtlety if they were wheeled around in an actual shopping trolley.

Not only is he driving a shopping trolley, but he's chosen to respray it neon orange... And he's a 35 year old man wearing glasses and high waisted jeans... he thinks he's cool bless...

See trolley, ned, car, boy racer, spoiler


A shopping trolley is a trolley in which you put your shopping in. Usually found dumped in canals, or with a hobo sleeping in it, they are great transportation tools. Most supermarkets are suffering from jacked shopping trolleys and have introduced newer shopping trolleys which get jacked too.

"Dude, let's go to Tesco and jack the trolleys."


A form of bad caucasian dancing. To reach up to first one side then the other, as if pulling items down off the shelf and dropping them in your shopping trolley.

That dude was not only sowing the seeds, he did the shopping trolley too!

See white man's overbite, sprinkler


Portable and affordable housing.

I love my shopping trolley more than the cardboard box I moved out of.


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