Shopping Trolley Dog

What is Shopping Trolley Dog?


A dog.

In a shopping trolley.

Goes by the name of Shopping Trolley Dog

Long lost relative of Catface (see also: Shopping Trolley Dingo (evil Aussie twin, mate.))

"your mum's just shopping trolley dog in a wig"

"can i have the number for shopping trolley dog please? i have one phonecall. i will speak only to shopping trolley dog."

Q: What's your dog called? : A: Shopping Trolley Dog

Q: Why did the dog get in the shopping trolley? : A: Because he's Shopping Trolley Dog

Q: Can you spot the doggy difference? : A: No. Where the scooby-doo is my effin' shopping trolley?

See trolley, dog, shopping trolley dog, catface, massive bender


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