
What is Shore?


What people that live in Philadelphia (philly) and the suburbs call the South Jersey beach.

Philadelphian: Hey let's go to the shore this weekend!

Other person: Where?

Philadelphian: The South Jersey beach.

See new jersey, south jersey, philadelphia, philly, beach


The area around the coast-line that isn't directly on the beach. This includes the touristy attractions, hotels, campgrounds, and everywhere that isn't right on the sand (which is the beach) and yet still as the smell of salt in the air.

Do you want to go to the shore this weekend? We'll avoid the shoebies, stay at a campground and we can go to the beach, and the boardwalk at night for skee-ball.

See jersey shore, beach, coast, ocean, boardwalk


Someone who easily gets stressed out by a change in plans. Also people who wear extremely gay glasses and a lack of responsibility with money and debts.

"Where did you buy those glasses, you look like a SHORE"

"Dude, give me back my money, its already been 3 months.... you are such a SHORE"

See shore, stress, spaz, gay, goof


Often known as sure. This word was created by an unknown loser who prefers to be called R-izzle

R*man: shore!

Me: suft loser


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