Shore Whore

What is Shore Whore?


Girls who go to the nj shore and forgot about everything and everyone bac at home and get with as many guys as possible.. its almost like a sport except if u loose you could get an std or something .. shore whores are normally girls who are like 13 and look like there like 18 so they lie about there age .. so watch out for illegal shore whores aside from that there the best people to hook up with and always ready to party and have the most fun!!!

wow sean look at those shore whores there pretty damn hawt!

holy shit sean one of those shore whores had mono!!


the term used to describe a female student that attends Shore Regional High School, located in West Long Branch, NJ.

them, shore whores, are some hopper bitches!

See sluts, bitches, cunts, hos, fake


a girl you bang out at your beach house in NJ for a summer while

a.) you have a girlfriend back home ( Northern NJ or NY ) or

b.) she lives in your beach house as well.

The shore whores we live with love to lick our asses and drink our pee


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