Short Bus

What is Short Bus?


A bus that people who can't spell derogatory take.

If you can't spell derogatory then you probably ride the short bus.

See W


1. noun. (derogetory) school bus shorter in length than a conventional school bus commonly used to transport students with physical or mental handicaps.

2. adjective. (derogetory) describes student who rides such a bus. See also, special.

3. adjective. (derogetory) lacking in mental capacity, or stupid. See also retarded.

1. The students on the curb made jokes as the short bus pulled into the school.

2. The kid in the wheelchair was often called a short bus kid behind his back.

3. You put your shoes on before your socks? That's a pretty short bus solution.

See Marc


The idea of 'riding the short bus' is used in American English in much the same way that 'æåëòûé äîì' (yellow house) is used in Russian as a reference to mentally retarded children. United States public school systems have an extensive bus program to transport children to and from school. Regular buses hold large amounts of children. Shorter buses are typically used for "Special Education" (i.e., the mentally retarded) public school students who are typically educated in different facilities.

Oh don't mind Jimmy here being late - Marina and I took a cab, but Jimmy's a little slow so he had to wait for the short bus.

See blaked


A horizontally challenged bus that people have become accustomed to watching pick up developmentally challenged children and adults. Cleverly worked into an insult when someone does something stupid.

"What the hell are you doing pissing on my rug? I didn't see a short bus outside"

"The short bus picks up my neighbour's kid every morning. He looks like that banjo boy from 'Deliverance.' In other news, I have a first-class ticket to hell."


Generally, the short bus is a smaller version of a regular school bus that carries mentally challenged students to school. On rare occasions, if your school board is a bunch of assholes (like mine), you will be forced to ride in a short bus for field trips if you class contains less than 18 students.

Teacher: We'll all be going on a trip to the art museum Friday!

Class: Hooray!

Teacher: And we're taking a short bus!

Class: ............

Time: Passes

Class: *is riding the short bus on the highway*

Other cars: *point and laugh*

Class: *is mortified*

See short bus, mini bus, retard rocket, shortbus


School vehicle meant for special education students. Many are equipped with wheelchair lifts. Most seats are equipped with restraining belts.

See Alex


The "special" kids got to ride this bus. Those with mental difficulties, and those who were "not all there"

Dave rode the short bus to school, and got to use the PA system, until he barked at one girl, who was a total dog. He was then told to sit in the back of the short bus, which in all actuallity wasn't that far back.

See GT


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