
What is Shorts?


noun; used by a third party person to express when somebody has insulted or humiliated another person

Luke: Shut up Pat, you suck dick for crack.

Jim: Shorts, Pat!


to smoke the last few drags of anothers cigarette.

(Hector) yo Lopez, save me shorts off that square.

(Lopez) fuck off G, go get a paper route and buy your own biotchits my last one.


dude, i just lost my mcjob, can you save me shorts


The act of expressing intent to finish what one has not already finished; it is particularly (but not solely) used to voice one's wish to finish the smoking of another's cigarette.

"Bro, let me get shorts on that sandwich."

"Shit i forgot my pack, can I get shorts on your square?"

See cig, cancer stick, square


Midwest elderly slang for boxer shorts. Mainly used by older folks, nearly always white boxers.

You can't go out there like that to get the paper. You're in your shorts.

See boxers, briefs, underpants, white, tighties, elderly, underwear


Video vignettes, between 2 and 30 minutes in length that express a message complete in itself.

One of the things I like about Zed is that it provides a venue for creative video makers to showcase their shorts.


someone who takes it in the anus

"I didn't know Shakes took it in the shorts"

See gay, homosexual, lesbian, fag, queer


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