Shot Caller

What is Shot Caller?


an individual in a gang who has a high status. This person "calls the shots", but he dosen't carry it out, hes already done that role, hence his elevated status.

Shot caller: Go kill this dude named tone, you can find him on 34th street, apartment 419.

See drew


someone who calls the shots

gonna be a baller, shot caller!


an individual who runs the prison, even respected by the guards. the wardon of the inmates, runs the asylum, unbreakable, high commisary status, mostlikely a lifer and deadly. always keeping people from taking his place.

example being michael santos is a fuckin shot caller

See prison, killer, lifer


One who sees all and allows others to

control the aim until the shot caller

feels the need to guide.

See picture under Grant G.

A fool for barb ones says .but whoes really the shot caller.


a baller; a player; someone who calls all the shots around him.

See Al


a ballerwho exhibits cockiness and attitude by yelling "in", "nothin' bu' net", "money", etc. before his shot hits the rim, in an effort to imply that he is skilled enough to place full confidence upon his shot without seeing the result.

That shot caller didn't even need to look after he took a shot from half courtl; he just threw it up and walked away.


One who purchases "called shots" (IE those that are more expensive such as Hennessy or Grey Goose) rather than cheaper "well" drinks.

If you can afford 20 inch blades on your Impala, you should also be a "shot caller" and get Grand Marnier instead of Albertsons Brand triple-sec like a scrub.

See shot caller, shot calla, high roller, buy the bar, barfly


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