
What is Shotnabur?


Descending from 2 of the greatest words in the english language, shot and beer, this word originated in Manhattan, NY and is directly related to enjoying just that, a shot and a beer.

When said fast, (or while piss drunk) shotnabur might not give up its purpose (which is, to intake a shot and a beer, of course) easily making for an stealthy exit from the workplace.

Usually taken place at lunch, or directly after a long days work, shotnabur will take a load of stress off of anyones shoulders, or loosen anyone up to have sex with a lesbian.

Be careful not to intake too many shotnaburs given the fact that 1 sole shotnabur (depending on what type of shot, and also the type of bur) might result in some sort of debauchery, or, will eventually lead to many more shotnaburs

Nick- "Hey Mike, Shotnabur?"

Mike- "Shotnabur!"

See shot, beer, shots, beers, jager, vodka, bud light, budweiser, sam adams, happy hour


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