
What is Shots?


A series of alcholic beverages served in succession. They are usually served in shot glasses, but often in full size glasses.

All it took was some shots and I was out like a light.


Small confectionaries used to add decoration to desserts; Ice cream sprinkles, jimmies. New England regional dialect.

May a please have a cup of vanilla ice cream with rainbow shots?

See sprinkles, jimmies, dessert, ice cream, new england, shots


Small confectionaries used to add decoration to desserts; Ice cream sprinkles, jimmies. New England regional dialect.

May a please have a cup of vanilla ice cream with rainbow shots?

See sprinkles, jimmies, ice cream, dessert, new england, shots


head shots; getting your dick sucked.

My goal in life is to get the shots while driving.

See P-Dope


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