
What is Shotties?


A variation of the bong native to SouthWest England, where a straight tube is used instead of a conventional "gauze type" bong tube.

The end of the shottie tube (also known as a downie or downpipe/tube) is plugged with a small amount of rolling tobacco, onto which a thin layer of crushed or chopped cannabis is applied. The user then lights the cannabis/tobacco plug until such time as all of the cannabis glows red and the plug can be seen to slide down the tube. At this point, the user gives a sharp tug to pull the cannabis/tobacco into the bong water, the smoke is then inhaled, providing the user with a more intense hit than that provided by conventional smoking paraphenalia, this means shotties provide a both economical and enjoyable smoking experience

See shotties, shot, shotgun, weed, pot, cannabis, marijuana


An extended version of calling "shotgun" for the front seat of the car. You can call "shotties" for anything you want.

"Shotties for the last piece of candy!"

See shotgun, dibs, shotguns


A corruption of the "shotgun" claim. Shotties is used to call first go, smoke, drink, ride, whatever, on anything.

"I shotties first draw"


Another name for "Shots"

Often used at parties, a cooler and more pronouncative way of saying "Shots". Also See sho'iez

Lets have some SHOTTTTTIEEEESS!!!

shotties are great

See shots, drunk, drinking, alcohol, booze, spirits


An attractive female. This is derived from the use of the word, shotty, in reference of reserving something that is up for grabs. Attractive females are referred to as shotties due to the fact that they are quality and you want them reserved for yourself.

I saw some shotties at the mall the other day.

See shotty, shotties, shottie, hottie


Derived from the word "shot", meaning "good job" or "awesome".

Commonly used by female Year 13 Students at Orewa College in 2006.

"What you doing friday night?"

"Going to Babalus oi."


See shotties, shot, college


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