Shotty Snipes

What is Shotty Snipes?


In Halo, when one player possesses both a Sniper Rifle and a Shotgun. This is particularly good because the Sniper Rifle is one of the best long range weapons, while the Shotgun is arguably the best short-range weapon and definitely the best short-range gun.

And Tim doth declared, "Don't worry guys. I got shotty snipes. It will be alright." And it was so.

See halo, overkill, land, of, plenty, rocket launcher, sniper, rifle, battle, battle rifle, grenade, plasma, plasma grenade, frag, frag grenade, fragmentation, ghost, assult rifle, needler, banshee, mongoose, warthog, elephant, spiker, sword, hammer, gravity hammer, killjoy, double kill, triple kill, headshot, head shot, bulltrue, splatter, beatdown, beat down, assassination, kill from the grave


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