
What is Shoulder?


A widely used phrase in Ireland, given to a 350ml bottle of alcoholic spirits. Most commonly vodka or whiskey....Known to be a powerful instrument in tackling the problem of sobriety

"I might buy a few beers for the party"

"Stop being a bitch and get a shoulder"

See drink, drunk, vodka, shoulder, whiskey


An upper joint joining the neck to the arm.

Men can't keep their hands off my shoulders.

My boss tapped me on the shoulder to get my attention.

See Saints


according to Boiling Springs High School, a "sex object"

"That shirt showsyour shoulder"



When playing pool or snooker, when only a power shot will do.

SammyA "Yo Busta, this ain't no time for the sexy shots, you gotta give that some shoulder!"

Ed McD "I hear you soldier, i'm taking you down to Chinatown"

See power, force, chinatown, winner


A part of your body in which you don't do.

"He rubbed her shoulder sensually"

"That's so stupid you can't do someone in the shoulder!"

See porn, abo, sexy, shoulders, can't


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