Shoulder Junk

What is Shoulder Junk?


When an individual walks into your office and places their foot on your desk, effectively positioning their balls on your shoulder and face region.

Look at that guy putting his junk all over his shoulder, man I hate getting shoulder junked.

See shoulder-junk, junked, junking


When an individual walks into your office and places their foot on your desk, effectively positioning their balls on your shoulder and face region.

Look at that guy putting his junk all over his shoulder, man I hate getting shoulder junked.

See shoulder-junk, junked, junking


When an individual walks into your office and places their foot on your desk, effectively positioning their balls on your shoulder and face region.

Phil's balls are all over Mikey's chest, that's one hell of a shoulder junk.

See shoulder-junk


When one individual walks into your office and places their foot on your desk, effectively positioning their balls on your shoulder and face.

Here comes Ray, he's going to shoulder junk the new guy. Poor bastard never seen it coming!

See shoulder-junk, shoulder junk, sj


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