
What is Shovel?


what the revolution will be fought with after the liberals take away our guns

it's either that or dig a hole and lay down in it and die


To bullshit. (to shovel the shit)

When he said he won the lottery, I knew he was shoveling.


A tool for hitting something with.

*You see a fat chick walking down the street*

Joe: Id hit that...

James: ..With a shovel.

See hit, that, shovel, girl, sex, fat


The male version of hoe. A clumsy player who gets no respect.

Ron is such a shovel. Cindy and Bev would have both ditched him if they weren't hoes themselves.

See tool, hoe, ho, player, playa, Shard


A Man who eats alot of food and also this friends food if he gets the chance

Brad: Damn the foods filled me up....

Richard:Well I'll have that then....

Brad: Your such A shovel Richard

See shovel, fat, food, eat, hungry


(noun) tool traditionally used for digging but also works well for shutting annoying people up.

(use 1)- We're putting in an inground pool, so I had to dig a really big hole with my shovel.

(use 2)- Harry just wouldn't stfu so I was forced to whack him in the face with my shovel.


An object commonly used to hit children when they are not following proper authority.

Billy, if you don't get out of the shed this instant, imma fuck up your face with this here shovel.

See shovel, club, pain, whack


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