Shovel Face

What is Shovel Face?


An extremely ugly girl who's facial features closely resemble that of a Shovel. Generally anyone who hooks up with a Shovel Face is shunned by society and, in effect, becomes a Shovel face themselves.

Every weekend Dan trys his best to hook up with "Shovel face"

See shovel, face, minga, ugmo, dirt bag


A nasty bitch who got hit in the face with a shovel when she was younger. Most likely will sleep with anything,including her boyfriends friends, and may cause projectile vomitting. Most likely gets picked on and beat up due to her facial deformity. Excretes and excessive amount of gak.

"Shovel face tried to get with him and he puked all over her!"

"I really like her guys but that nose man that nose!"

See shovelface, shovel face, ugly, linder, nasty, gak, fat


1.)A girl in my math class whose face highly resembles that of the backside of a shovel.

2.) Any almost (but not quite) asian girl with an extremely flattened face, that appaears as though it's been beaten vigurously with a metal shovel.

Britney sure is a fucking shovel face.

Look at Jessa's shovel face!


A very ugly critter looks almost as it has been beaten in the face with a shovel continuously. Usually found terrorizing inncoent souls in her presence, resides in 629 horan hall. Do not attempt to make contact, it may seem harmless but the screech of its voice can make even the stongest man cry.

Sean:Hey Kara did you see that hidious girl yesterday?

Kara:Uhh yeah, she was a complete shovel face.

See shovel, face, spade, dig, ugly


A girl with a distorted un-attractive face, making her look like she was hit with a shovel.

"Damn! That girl is hurt! She got a shovel face!"

See shovel, face, ugly, hurt


ugly whore whos face look like it got beaten with a shovel and is melting

Did you see that ugly whore, it looks like her face got beaten with a shovel.


A person who has grostesque facial attributes, resembling that of what a shovel would have. Someone who posseses a face that appears to have been struck repeatedly with a shovel.

Tori Spelling and Rachel Ray have Shovel Faces.

See ugly, busted, butterface, fugly


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