Shovel This

What is Shovel This?


When you have to do something that you really don't want to do.

Owner: Clean all this shit up, because im the owner and can tell you whatever the hell I want to.

Me: Hey *sticks up middle finger* shovel this you cunt rag...Im on my break

See asshole, cunt rag, owner, shit, shovel, break, douche


the phrase used wen u think something someone just said is really stupid, followed by the flipping of the bird or any other physical gesture that means "fuck u"

boss: shovel this pile of stone, and wen ur done theres a 2 ton load of stone in the back of the truck, shovel that too.

me: {sticking the middle finger up in his direction} shovel this, im taking a break.

See fuck that, screw that, suck it, fuck you


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