
What is Shovelfuck?


when you sleep with a shovel face.

Man you got shovelfucked by Jamie!!!!

See shovelface, shovel face, ugly, linder, nasty, gak, fat


To mess someone up with a shovel.

Often used by males, in a derogatory sexual context, where one would prefer to fuck the girl with a shovel as opposed to engage in sexual intercourse.

Andy: Oh man... check her out! You gotta hit that!

Jacob: Oh god. Someone needs to shovelfuck her good.

See fuck, shovel


To mess someone up with a shovel.

Often used by males, in a derogatory sexual context, where one would prefer to fuck the girl with a shovel as opposed to engage in sexual intercourse.

Andy: Oh man... check her out! You gotta hit that!

Jacob: Oh god. Someone needs to shovelfuck her good.

See shovel, fuck, ugly, sex, uggo


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