
What is Showboat?


An attractive boy or group of attractive boys used by a small group of girls for the sole purpose of showing off. The girls don't necessary like to be around the boys they are just there to look cute. This is a female version of arm candy.

Person 1:Man! would you look at those broads with all those cute boys!

Person 2: Aww they ain't nothing but a bunch of showboats.

See arm candy, male, vincent, danny, steve, fine as hell


See Terrell Owens

T.O. is such a showboat that he's the reason "Excessive Celebration" is a penalty.

See football, show, boat, t.o.


a retarded musical

showboat is just plain stupid. i haven't seen it but i know i won't like it.

See stupid, retard, music, musical, showboat, showboating


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