
What is Showboating?


1. To have a visibly exaggerated idea of ones own skills, talents, or abilities.

2. To exhibit a grotesque amount of undue and unfounded pride for a skill or ability which is actually mediocre.

Excellent examples of people who are really bad showboaters would be that 'Lord of the Dance' blockhead Michael Flatley, the ludicrously posturing Sarah Brightman and her bloated ego, and the Queen of the Showboaters, that swirling black hole of talentlessness herself - Celine Dion.

"This was our one chance to get rid of tha showboating Canadian wench!" - Peter Griffin, Family Guy


Adding unnecessary style flurishes to skilled activities, often beyond ones skill level, increasing the risk, and usually used to taunt or impress others.

That skateboarder was showboating to impress that girl when he broke his ankle.

The Washington Generals were down 150 to 10 but the Globetrotters were still showboating for the crowd.

See grandstanding, showboat, show-off, taunt


1. A confident person that more often than not; makes confident people less confident in a sho'-bo's presence.

2. A discrete person whose exuberance can be a turn off to those who don't know better.

3. A person whose lack of popularity, have it be a wealthy man around a poor group, makes people think negative connotation.

4. It's cool. A person that obtains or acquires style, status, ego, and often makes others believe there is no equal.

5. It's very cool. You spent a long time doing something in order to achieve an award; always being pride and joy but obviously exuberant. And the subject matter is important, because lets face it -Savor it!

...Hurried showboating:

A. Like my...

B. What do you think?

C. No words just materials

D. No words just good moves

E. No words only love

Jeff :Did you know Mike drives his chromed out truck to work and parks it where he and others can always see it when he works?

Mike :Don't forget the custom headlights!

Jeff :Our generation used to condone showboating, but now I think the whole world is pretty much gone crazy!

See showboat


to showboat is to perform highly skilled tricks with a fooball during a game.

Now thats what i call showboatin'!

see joe cole or jay jay okocha.


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